Looking back at your Preliminary Task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full production?
-Photographic ability
-Editing skills
^The preliminary task is located here.
Working on my own, as I had already expected, meant that I would have to put in more time and effort for the project, but I am glad I made this decision because it also meant that I could do whatever I wanted with it and not have to consolidate with anybody else. Furthermore during the Preliminary task, I found that I tended to become a bit of a control freak and perfectionist when it came to doing the editing, even though I had never used the Premiere Software before.
But now I have taken my time with learning how to use it and not rushing things; and because it is not as though I'm working for anybody else, I feel a lot less pressured than when I was doing it in the group.
At the start of the Preliminary task, we were told to created a storyboard for the film opening ides, which then developed into and animatic giving us a rough guide to what the film would turn out like. However, knowing that I would just want to change the scenes and swap things around, I knew in advance that personally doing an animatic would be a waste of time for me because I would have to keep re-drafting and it would just be pointless. Therefore I used this time to make a drafted timeline/script type thing from which I would work on instead. I used this as a basic outline of what scenes I definitely wanted but they were in no particular order so I could move things around to whichever way I decided seemed best.
By another classmate, I learnt how to sound bridge using the premiere editing software, so that I could layer sounds and cross them over from different video clips. However I had not had enough time during the Preliminary task to have done this, therefore certain sound effects were missing from it.
Over the course of this project, I think I have faced the most technological problems of the rest of my class because for a while my files became corrupted or wouldn't load properly but during this time period, I spent a lot of time outside of class hours to find out how to fix problems with the technology.