Sunday, 16 December 2012


Young female character
Old male character
Appeal to female audience members
Stereotypically what audiences would expect
They were both free! This is great, especially for a low budget film
They are both my mum’s work colleagues so I had to fit my filming schedule around them, however this was not a problem for me
They both fit the character profiles that I had in mind

Saturday, 15 December 2012


I took inspiration for the narrative features from a short film created by The Jubilee Project, here is a print screen of the film Love Language, whereby the words on the screen were used as a method of communication to both the audience and characters within the film.

Although that film has a Romance genre, I really liked this narrative technique and I try to make mine similar.


 Props I used in my production:

- Post-it notes

-Red marker pens

-Note pad

-Black biro pen

-Cup of coffee


-Cally's car



Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Plannng Narrative Techniques

The film is shown mostly from the perspective of a Post-It note, there are hints of this, but I'm trying not to make this obvious. The camera view is third person at a very low angle for some of it but the narration is in first person.
Voice overs are typically used in any genre of films in order to tell the story, I originally wanted to use one but decided that the visuals were obvious enough that perhaps having a voice over was an  unnecessary addition.

I'm trying to deceive the audience into thinking that the person they are watching is a murderer. In reality, he is actually an average man. His occupation is a building contractor. Hence the reason for all of the controversial equipment e.g chainsaw, rope, skip.
I think this will trick the audience because people will judge him straight away, assuming he is a bad person.
Most of the words are written in capital letters and red ink to make them bold and stand out, red also signifies danger in this.

The 'Flashbacks' aren't actually real, they never happened. It is all in the imagination of the narrator. She is showing us what she thinks may have happened according to what is heard in the radio news report (a murder).

When the wrong date is written, it is crossed out in a harsh and forceful way, the correct re-written date is Halloween, I did this on purpose to give a bit more of a horror sense to it.

Also, the man is shown looking at a photograph of a woman, hinting that she is the target, when she walks past him, this confirms that he is planning on something involving her.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Planning The Structure And Shots

I have done these in order for me to remember what structure I want the film opening to have. I did them by each individual scene so that I would also have a rough idea about what the final product could look like.

The storyboard is mainly for a visual aid to show what I think the audience would be looking at, and also the angle at which it will be shown. The script is more for my own help for when I will be directing my actors on the days of filming and even helps me remember for when I come round to the editing phase; the cuts, the sound effect, the speed of each one that would create a build up of tension. The fact that I reveal the man straight away established that he will be the main character and important to the story.


Each section has been colour coded with the key at the top right hand corner of the first page. I actually decided to rearrange some of the scenes and made changes to some of them in the actual production.